Experience the World
Welcome! Lucky YOU! You’ve stumbled upon an artistic treasure hunt. Local artists have interpreted one another’s art in the vein of a game of ‘Telephone.’ Follow the stops on the map. Let local artists guide you through their town. Taste music! Smell poetry! Come on a sensory journey with CONSENSES WALKS. It’s FREE. Give yourself the gift of your own creativity on this short adventure today.

Consenses Walks takes the art out of the museum and turns every neighborhood into a gallery.
A musician interprets an established local mural, extracts its essence and expresses their understanding of it as a song, a local cafe interprets their song and creates a signature coffee drink, a poet interprets the beverage, a local sculptor interprets the poem, a perfumer interprets the sculpture and so on until all five senses are represented.
The final work is available to be viewed for the public, throughout a neighborhood and through the use of our map takes the form of a walk. In this way neighborhoods celebrate their artists, artists connect and share with their audiences and visitors grow an appreciation for the root-like connections created by the artists who make a neighborhood vibrant.