The WavePhotograph by Alison Shaw
I waited and stretched and reached for this photograph. I watched as this wave broke itself over and over again against this rock on a warm fall day in September. The wind was coming from one direction and the waves from the other. Sometimes when the wind and water would meet nothing would happen and I would click in vain. But sometimes, every 20 waves or so, something magical would happen and the wind would lift the crest of the wave and just peel it back.
What do you See?

Something MoreSong by Josh and Seth Larson
What was most touching to me about the photograph we interpreted [from stop 1] was that the wave looked like it was reaching out for the sky. I was touched by what I imagined the future and past of this wave to be… crashing down on the shoreline over and over and then having another unique opportunity to reach up to the sky each time. My first inspired thought from the image was of a flowing sound so I picked up a Ukulele to create the softness and lightness of this image and this flowing 6/8 time signature series of notes revealed themselves.
What do you Hear?
SearchingFilm by Laura Luchetti
My reaction to the song I interpreted [from stop 2] was ‘Lightness, sunshine and melancholy.’ For me it was about Ascending, searching for a sort of deeper knowledge. The first visual that came to me was a pair of wings. I imagined there were two spirits looking for each other in this magical space where time is suspended. These spirits are so close, but somehow the woman cannot see what she is looking for… It is when she decides to not “look” but to “feel” she finally finds what she is searching for.
What do you See?
UntitledSculpture by Kim Bernard
The narrative I read into the film I interpreted [from stop 3] was that a woman decides to take a Sunday morning walk in a park on the outskirts of an unfamiliar French city. She sees, hears, and touches everything deeply because everything’s new, fresh, and unfamiliar. An adolescent girl from the neighborhood, who has an imaginative, almost tricksterish nature, amuses herself by “playing” with the woman, performing for her, ducking in and out of sight. The woman catches on and agrees to play along. It’s all about play. I wanted to create a sculpture you could touch and play with.